The PEAK 8th North Georgia Team, coached by Kristi Creegan and Tina Brady, won the 2016 8th Grade Division II Dawson Smith Tournament Championship by beating the Atlanta Cagers East by the score of 48-41. This is the second championship of the year for the 8th NGA Team, as they won the Hardwood Classic Tournament Championship in March.
Please join me in CONGRATULATING Coach Creegan, Coach Brady and the PEAK Girls of 8th NGA for their outstanding performance this past weekend.
Pictured (Front row L-R) Anna Neville, Breana Helms, McCall Thomas, Harley Helms, Brianna Ledonne, Avery Young
(Back Row L-R) Coach Kristi Creegan, Rachel Swofford, Kait Mccarter, Roxie Fricton, Chloe Bennett, Avery Massey, Mattie Grant, Coach Tina Brady